On June 28, 2018, The Pennsylvania Collaborative Law Act was signed by Governor Wolf after passing the PA Senate on 47-2 and the PA House of Representatives 193-0 on June 22, 2018.
House Bill 1644 printer’s number 3783 makes changes to 42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 73 and created a new Title 74. The changes to Title 73 deal with Arbitration and Title 74 is the new Collaborative Law Act under 7401. The complete text of both sections is here.
This marks the beginning of a new PA law and reflects the years of hard work behind the scenes by so many collaborative professionals and lawmakers.
For the collaborative law community this is truly exciting news and for the citizens of PA, this makes the collaborative process even more legitimate and organized.
This new law should only lead to more families turning to Collaborative Law as a proven and less stressful alternative to traditional family law litigation.
To discuss Collaborative Law and how you may benefit from the process, call us for a free consultation today at 412.303.9566.