Covid-19 Child Support Issues in PA – On-Line Support Filings and Modification

Pay your Child Support Online – Make an Online Payment

If your employer is not withholding your newly court ordered child support through a wage attachment, or you have been ordered to pay your support directly to Harrisburg you are able to pay online using one of several electronic payment options which we have linked here. This option is also available if you are are not comfortable making a support payment via regular mail because of the new social distancing rules.

Request a Child Support Modification – Use This Form (OM-501) to file for Modification of Child Support On-Line

If you have a substantial change in circumstances, such as a reduction of hours worked, furlough or  loss of your job as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) mandates in PA regarding what are considered essential businesses, forced business closures or directives to stay home from work, you can file on-line to modify your support to preserve retroactivity when the courts reopen and begin addressing these unprecedented issues.

File a New Child Support Case on-line using the forms found here at the PA Child Support Website

If you have had an informal agreement with the parent of your child, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, they have indicated that they will not continue to pay you monthly child support, you are able to file a formal child support complaint, to establish retroactivity for when the family courts reopen. There are several forms you need to fill out and they are all on the PA Child Support website linked below.

As always, we provide updated links to additional Free Legal Resources which can answer many of your PA Family Law questions and we continue to provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions. We are also available by phone if you have specific questions or require legal assistance from an experienced Pittsburgh Family Law attorney. Call today 412.303.9566. Video meetings and online payment.